OnePlus launched multiple devices this year. The Chinese smartphone maker entered the mid-range segment again with the launch of OnePlus Nord devices. Now the company is expected to continue with its mid-range devices and might further launch OnePlus Nord 2 and OnePlus Nord SE in the coming year. A new 33W fast-charger from OnePlus was recently spotted in the TUV Rheinland Certification website. It is expected that this charger is for the mid-range devices that OnePlus might launch in the near future — more details on the story ahead.

OnePlus 33W Fast-Charger

As per a report from Gizmochina, the new product from OnePlus spotted on the certifications platform was a 33W fast-charger. Now it is important to note that OnePlus hasn’t confirmed or hinted in any manner that this fast-charger is for the mid-range devices. But it is quite plausible that OnePlus sticks with 65W fast-charging technology for its premium smartphones. Thus, that leaves the mid-range smartphones with the 33W fast-charging technology. It is worth noting that OnePlus already provides users with a 33W fast-charger with its mid-range smartphones in the country and is expected to continue doing so.

OnePlus 9 50MP Sensor

In another report from Gizmochina, OnePlus 9 is expected to come with a 50MP primary sensor. The OnePlus 9 series is expected to bring three new smartphones to the market, namely OnePlus 9, OnePlus 9 Pro, and OnePlus 9 SE. These devices are expected to launch by March or April next year. As per rumours, OnePlus has partnered with a German company called Leica for designing its cameras for the OnePlus 9 series smartphones. The OnePlus 9 is expected to feature a triple-camera setup at the rear with a 50MP primary ultra-vision wide-angle sensor. The primary sensor is expected to be paired with a 20MP secondary ultra-wide-angle lens and a 12MP telephoto sensor. Nothing’s confirmed yet, and since all of it is a rumour, the original specs of the OnePlus 9 might differ. The OnePlus 9 might be coming with a 6.55-inch FHD+ flat-screen display with support for HDR and 120Hz refresh rate. It is expected to be powered by the latest flagship chipset of Qualcomm namely Snapdragon 888 SoC coupled with up to 8GB of RAM and 128GB of internal storage. The device is expected to run on OxygenOS based on Android 11 out of the box. If OnePlus has indeed partnered with Leica, the cameras of the device are expected to be more powerful in capturing live images and recording 4K videos.

OnePlus 33W Fast Charger Spotted  OnePlus 9 Might Come With 50MP Sensor - 88