After revealing the official launch date of the OnePlus 9 Series, the company’s CEO Pete Lau took to Twitter and confirmed the premium phone in the series- the OnePlus 9 Pro will feature the Sony IMX766 ultra-wide-angle shooter. The company already said the OnePlus 9 Pro would feature a custom Sony IMX789 primary lens, so the Sony IMX766 will be a secondary sensor with a 140-degree field of view. As we already know, OnePlus is looking to up the ante in the camera segment with Hasselblad. The Chinese smartphone brand will be investing $150 million as a long-term commitment to advanced mobile photography. The OnePlus 9 series will be making an official debut on March 23. There might be three phones this year- the standard OnePlus 9, the premium OnePlus 9 Pro and the affordable OnePlus 9R/9E.

OnePlus CEO Reveals Camera Sample Shot on OnePlus 9 Series

Besides confirming the Sony IMX766 sensor presence, Pete Lau also posted a beautiful landscape image on Twitter captured with the OnePlus 9 series. As you can see in the image, it is a stunning landscape and the CEO praises the OnePlus 9 Series saying, “We’ve changed that with an ultra-wide that’s clearer and truer to the world around you.”

Right after this tweet, he came up with another tweet in which he posted details regarding the Sony IMX766 sensor. This could be a 48MP secondary ultra-wide-angle shooter on the OnePlus 9 Pro working in tandem with the Sony IMX789 sensor. Details regarding the Sony IMX789 were posted online on YouTube, confirming the support for 4K video at 120 fps and 8K video recording at 30 fps. The sensor will also offer support for real-time HDR video processing. The OnePlus 9 Pro is shaping up to be a camera smartphone to watch out for this year. To take on the likes of Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra and Google Pixel 5, OnePlus will likely add an astrophotography mode on the OnePlus 9 Pro. The phone will be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 5G chipset, which OnePlus will be confirmed in the next few days. Other rumoured specs of the OnePlus 9 Pro include a 120Hz Super AMOLED screen, 65W fast charging, 45W wireless charging and a 4500mAh battery. More details regarding the OnePlus 9 Pro are expected to be revealed in the coming days.

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