OnePlus on Tuesday said that the company would soon be launching a new affordable smartphone series. Pete Lau, CEO of OnePlus in a forum post said that the company would “start relatively small” with the affordable series as OnePlus initially plans to release the device in Europe and India. Lau said that the company staff had been working on the new device “over the past few months.” The new smartphone series could be the OnePlus Z, a mid-range device tipped to carry a price tag of Rs 24,990. It has to be noted that the company has not launched a mid-range device post the OnePlus X that was released in October 2015.

OnePlus Teases Affordable Smartphone Series

Lau said that the company would also look to introduce the affordable smartphone series in North America “in the near future.” “I’m very excited to announce that we are bringing the premium, flagship experience that you’ve come to expect from OnePlus to a new, more affordable smartphone product line,” Lau said in a forum post. Further, Lau said that OnePlus had been working on delivering flagship smartphone experience for more than six years but that its community has expanded during the period. “However, as we’ve grown together with our community, we know that there are many people who want a really solid smartphone that meets their everyday needs, and for a more accessible price,” Lau said.

OnePlus Z: Expected Specifications

It was reported in early June that the upcoming mid-range device expected to be dubbed as the OnePlus Z could be powered by the Snapdragon 765 platform. The device is tipped to carry a triple camera system in the rear with an 64 MP primary shooter coupled with an 16MP and 2MP shooters. The affordable smartphone is said to come with a 6.55-inch Super AMOLED display with a 90Hz screen refresh rate and a punch-hole design for the 16MP selfie camera. The OnePlus Z is also tipped to feature a variant with 6GB of RAM and 128GB storage. The reports also indicate that the affordable device would be launched on July 10.

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