Oppo, a Chinese electronics consumer giant, has just launched a new entry-level smartphone for the Indian market, namely Oppo A16K. There’s a single camera sensor at the rear, and the device comes powered by the MediaTek Helio G35 SoC. It will be available in India in a single memory variant only with 3GB+32GB for Rs 10,490. The company is also offering the smartphone with no-cost EMI for up to 3 months with all the leading banks in the country. The device is available for purchase from all the channels starting today. Let’s take a look at the specifications and price of the smartphone.
Oppo A16K Specifications in India
The Oppo A16K has launched in India with a 6.52-inch HD+ display and weighs only 175 grams. As mentioned above, it is powered by the MediaTek Helio G35 SoC coupled with up to 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. The device will run on ColorOS 11.1 Lite out of the box and feature a 4230mAh battery with multiple charging features such as Optimised Nigh Charging, Super Night-Time Standby, and Superpower Saving Mode. The Oppo A16K comes with an IPX4 splash-proof rating. In the camera department, the device will come with a 13MP front sensor with support for 5x Zoom, Backlit HDR, Night Filters, and Dazzle Colour Mode. For selfies and video calling, the smartphone comes with a 5MP sensor at the front with support for Front HDR, Natural Skin Retouching, and AI Palette. The Oppo A16K will be available in three colours, including Black, Blue, and White. It can be a compelling option for consumers looking for a budget 4G smartphone. There should also have been a 64GB memory variant of the smartphone, as many consumers today want to go for a device with at least 64GB of internal storage, even if it is a budget device. As mentioned above, the smartphone is already available for consumers starting today.