More Details About the Upcoming PUBG Game Like we mentioned above, the publisher of PUBG has announced a new game, but there haven’t been talks about the title of this new game. Also, this game will be in the pipeline with a new studio called Striking Distance. The most notable part about the new studio which is developing the upcoming PUBG title is that it boasts of having Glen Schofield as its CEO who has the been the name behind famous games like Call of Duty and Dead Space. Currently, there has been no more solid information about the upcoming game and hence no hint about the gameplay, but in a press release PUBG Corporation has announced that it will offer an original narrative experience within the PUBG universe. PUBG Corporation has also confirmed that the upcoming title of the game which will be developed by Striking Distance won’t take the Battle Royale format forward. Instead, it will focus on a storyline which currently seems to be missing on PUBG. Again, just like the gameplay, the storyline of the game has been kept shrouded in mystery for now. It is worth noting that what this new title is doing is similar to what Respawn Entertainment did for Apex Legends, which is set in a much larger Titanfall Universe. Along with all this information, the game developers have also added that this game would not be the sequel of PUBG but instead would merely be set in the same universe. PUBG Lite and PUBG Lite Beta Versions Launched in India Besides the chatter about this new format of PUBG game, the company also launched the PUBG Lite and PUBG Lite Beta versions of the game in India recently. Both the versions are already available for download in the sub-continent. Unlike the abovementioned new title, the PUBG Lite will be the same game which the players have been enjoying till now. The PUBG Lite will bring the PUBG gameplay for the owners of low-end spec laptops, thus making it possible for the gamers to play the game on PC with low specifications like Core i3, 4GB RAM, 4GB HDD and Intel 4000 Graphics. Unlike PUBG PC, the PUBG Lite will be available for free to download for the users.

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