There have been several reports providing details about the upcoming Realme GT 2 Pro that have surfaced in the past few months. Now before the launch of the device on January 4, a new report suggests that the smartphone has been spotted on the TENNA certification website. The device has been in the works for quite a while and there were previous reports of the device getting spotted on the 3C certification site. Moreover, the design for Realme GT 2 Pro Master Edition has also been revealed by the makers officially. Now according to the latest reports Realme GT 2 Pro has been spotted at the TENNA certification site and the model number of the handset is said to be RMX3300 and some major specs have been revealed.
Key Specification for Realme GT 2 Pro
As mentioned above, Realme GT 2 Pro has been spotted with model number RMX3300 and it is expected that the device will come featuring a 6.7-inch QHD AMOLED display with 1440 x 3216 pixels and a 120Hz refresh rate. The handset will also feature an in-display fingerprint scanner. As far as the processor is considered, the handset is expected to feature the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chipset and will be combined with 8GB or 12GB of RAM. The onboard storage space of the device is speculated to be 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB depending on the variants of the model. However, there will be no availability of expanding the storage space via a microSD card slot. Talking about the camera module of the device, Realme GT 2 Pro is expected to arrive with a triple rear camera setup consisting of a 50MP main camera, a 50MP secondary camera, and a 2MP shooter. The front of the device will feature a 32MP selfie shooter. The device will be backed by a 5000mAH battery and earlier reports have suggested that it will support 65W fast charge technology. Talking about the design aspects of the device, Realme GT 2 Pro is expected to measure 163.2 x 74.7 x 8.2mm with a bodyweight of 199 grams. Last but not the least, the colour options available for the handset are speculated to be – Light Green, Ice Crystal Blue, Cast Iron Black, and Paper White.