5G has been spreading over different markets around the world at a rapid pace. Everyone wants to reap the benefits that 5G has to offer and lead in the race of mobile networking. In this regard, a 5G summit will be hosted by Chinese Electronics manufacturer Realme along with players like Qualcomm, GSMA and Counterpoint on June 3. The agenda of this summit would be to collectively discuss the worldwide growth opportunities of 5G, its impact on consumers and look at 5G as an enabler of smart living. 5G’s role as an agent of change, its transformational impact on society, barriers to 5G adoption, and 5G accelerating smart living are other topics on which respective speakers of these companies will share their insights.
5G Is the network of The future: Realme
Realme commented as the host of the 5G summit by noting that 5G is going to be the network of the future and that a future with 5G is getting closer every day. It further added that Industry leaders understand the breakthroughs that 5G will bring, and 5G trials are accelerating worldwide. 5G development globally has now entered a new phase of momentum, said Realme. Many prominent speakers from players of the ecosystem will be a part of the event sharing their insights like Realme’s Brand Director Mr Johnny Chen, Mr Madhav Sheth, CEO of Realme India and Europe and VP of Realme, GSMA Intelligence’s Principal Economist Mr Kalvin Bahia, Mr Peter Richardson, VP and Co-Founder of Counterpoint Research, Qualcomm India’s VP and Presider Mr Rajen Vagadia. The 5G summit is themed ‘Making 5G Global| Accessibility for All’ with a panel discussion by leaders brought together to discuss the opportunities with 5G. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube on June 3rd at 2:30 PM (IST) on Realme’s YouTube channel.
Different Insights on 5G by Market Players
Using the event as a platform to share their respective company’s contribution and insights on 5G, GSMA will put forth its opinions on comparing 5G growth expectations across emerging markets, barriers to 5G adoption in the mobile internet space and how 5G can boost a post-pandemic growth across the world. Counterpoint’s focus would revolve around how 5G is changing the way people use technology, 5G becoming popular in lower price tiers, some statistics on key smartphone players in 5G. It will also share insights on hot specifications in new smartphones in 5G development. Qualcomm will share how it works together with smartphone makers to ensure excellent performance and how it focuses on specific applications that play a vital role in providing a 5G experience. Event’s host Realme will share insights on their role in the 5G era, their reasons to believe that 5G will become the most significant driver accelerating smart living amongst young people across the globe. Surveys on young users have indicated the increased demand for 5G. These surveys and a range of upcoming product lines from lower tiers to premium will also be showcased by Realme.