Reliance Jio is never at the back seat in terms of launching plans with new benefits. Its rival, Bharti Airtel has been offering a Rs 401 data plan with Disney+ Hotstar VIP package. The telco just launched its new plans, but that’s not all. Jio has also introduced four Hotstar data add-on packs as well. With the newly introduced Disney+ Hotstar data add-on packs, users can get up to 240GB data benefit. Reliance Jio has launched a total of 6 new packs which include two packs with voice calling benefit and four packs which are data add-ons. The common thing between all of these plans is the Disney+ Hotstar benefit. Let’s look at what these data add-on packs come with.

Reliance Jio Rs 612 Data Add-On Pack

The Rs 612 data add-on plan is the only plan which comes with the benefit of voice calling. This is the only voucher which comes with a benefit of FUP minutes as well. You get a total of 6000 FUP minutes for calling from Jio to Non-Jio devices. Then there is the unlimited data benefit of 72GB. The validity of the plan will be the same as the user’s existing base plan. So a base plan is required in order to purchase this one from Jio. It will bring the benefit of Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription for one year.

Reliance Jio Rs 1,004 Data Add-On Pack

Reliance Jio is offering its customers a Rs 1,004 data add-on pack. With the pack, there is obviously the benefit of free Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription for one year at no extra cost. Then there is a data benefit of 200GB. This, however, doesn’t require a base plan to be active. You can purchase this plan anytime from Jio and it comes with a standalone validity of 120 days.

Reliance Jio Rs 1,206 Data Add-On Pack

The Rs 1,206 data add-on pack comes with a standalone validity of 180 days. Users purchasing the plan will get a data benefit of 240GB. All the unused data benefit at the end of 180 days will be expired as well. This plan also doesn’t require an active base plan from the telco. You can purchase it anytime to boost your data consumption.

Reliance Jio Rs 1,208 Data Add-On Pack

This is a very interesting plan offered by Jio. It is just Rs 2 more expensive than the Rs 1,206 plan which offers 240GB data benefit with a validity of 180 days. So what’s different about this plan? It is the validity of it. With this plan, by paying Rs 2 more, you get a validity of 240 days. So you won’t have to worry about the benefits of the plan expiring.

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