Reliance Jio has just launched 5G in 16 more cities across eight different states of India. The 16 cities where 5G has launched are Raipur, Durg, Bhilai, Patna, Muzaffarpur, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Udupi, Bijapur, Bellary, Kalaburagi, Brahmapur, Rourkela, Kollam, Eluru, and Amravati. These 16 cities are present across eight states - Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Odisha, Kerala, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Jio is deploying 5G SA (standalone), and thus, you would need a 5G smartphone that supports it. Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand are the new states for Jio to reach with its 5G networks. Starting today, customers in the above-mentioned cities will get Jio’s Welcome Offer to use 5G with unlimited data and 1 Gbps+ speed. Jio only sends the Welcome Offer to customers who are either recharged with the Rs 239 plan or above or have recharged with the Rs 61 data-only voucher. Read More - Airtel 5G Plus Launched in Shillong Raipur, Bhilai and Durg have become the first three cities in Chhattisgarh to receive 5G. Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Bhagel, said, “Today is a proud moment for Chhattisgarh, and I am excited to launch Jio’s True 5G services for our people. The launch is an important achievement for our state, empowering our people to immensely gain from the transformational benefits of Jio’s True 5G services.” The minister also said that 5G would give a boost to the small businesses in the state and create job opportunities for the youth. Reliance Jio has now reached 117 cities with its 5G networks in India. The telco aims to cover the entire nation with its 5G by the end of 2023. More cities in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar will get 5G from Jio in the coming months. Since Jio’s 5G launch is not commercial but is in the beta testing phase, it would only be accessible to users who are invited by the telco to experience it.

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