Samsung Galaxy A31 has launched in India Today. It is the successor to the Galaxy A30 which was launched in 2019. The smartphone is powered by MediaTek Helio P65 SoC coupled with 6GB of RAM. It is expected to deliver powerful performance. The Galaxy A31 has a waterdrop-style notch display. There is a 5000mAh battery which can run for more than one day in a single charge. But it has a 15W fast charger which is not the fastest in today’s standards. Let’s look at other specifications of the price along with pricing details.

Samsung Galaxy A31: Specifications

First of all, the smartphone dons a 6.4-inch Full HD+ (1080x2400) pixels infinity-U display. The aspect ratio of the display is 20:9. The Galaxy A31 runs on Android 10 along with the Samsung’s One UI. The smartphone comes with dual SIM (Nano) technology. As mentioned above, there is an octa-core MediaTek Helio P65 powering the device with 6GB of RAM. Coming to the camera of the device. There is a quad-camera setup at the rear where the primary camera is 48MP lens. The second camera has an 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens along with two 5MP lenses where one is a depth sensor and one is a macro lens. For the front camera, there is a 20MP lens. The smartphone supports 4G VoLTE. The USB port of the device is a Type-C port. Also, you will get an in-display fingerprint scanner for biometric authentication.

Samsung Galaxy A31: Pricing in India

Samsung Galaxy A31 With MediaTek Helio P65 SoC and 6GB of RAM Launched in India - 1