Samsung India on Friday announced that the Galaxy Z Fold2 5G will carry a price tag of Rs 1,49,999 with pre-booking beginning at 12 PM on September 14, 2020. The Galaxy Z Fold2 is technically the third iteration of Samsung’s folding design and second device to be released under the Fold umbrella. The device packs in a 6.2-inch Infinity-O screen on the outside and 7.6-inch screen on the inside with a 120Hz adaptable refresh rate enabling “smooth scrolling and gameplay.” The Galaxy Z Fold2 is also said to feature “best dynamic sound available on a Galaxy device to date” with the device delivering increased stereo effect and “clearer sound.”
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G to Open for Pre-Booking on September 14
The company said that Galaxy Z Fold2 uses Samsung Ultra Thin Glass on the main screen providing “refined feel for the display.” Crucially, Samsung said that the Galaxy Z Fold2 is driven by the Hideaway Hinge fitting “seamlessly” into the body of the device with the CAM mechanism. “Galaxy Z Fold2 5G also employs sweeper technology within the gap between the body and hinge housing to repel dust and undesirable particles,” Samsung said in a release. The device weighing in 282 grams features a 10MP selfie camera on both the cover screen and the main screen along with a triple camera system on the rear. The rear camera system on the Galaxy Z Fold2 includes an 12MP wide angle camera along with 12MP ultra wide shooter and a 12MP telephoto camera. The Galaxy Z Fold2 is powered by the Snapdragon 865+ platform mated with 12GB RAM and 256GB internal storage. Samsung highlighted that the device comes with an 4500mAh battery with support for Super Fast Charging. “India has shown its love for new technology by making our previous foldable smartphones a huge success,” Ken Kang, president and CEO of Samsung SWA, said in the release. “With the Galaxy Z Fold2 5G, we are taking another bold step towards the future, creating newer, more intuitive experiences for our consumers.”
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G: Pricing and Pre-Booking Offers
Samsung said that the Galaxy Z Fold2 5G will be available in two colour variants including Mystic Black and Mystic Bronze at Rs 1,49,999. The users can pre-book the device on Samsung portal and “across leading retail stores” beginning September 14, 2020. Samsung said that the users pre-booking the Galaxy Z Fold2 will be able to avail no-cost equated monthly instalments (EMI) for 12 months at Samsung Experience Store and Samsung portal. Further, the users pre-booking the device are also said to be eligible for a 22% discount on Microsoft Office 365 along with a complimentary four month access to YouTube Premium. It has to be noted that the previous generation of the Galaxy Fold that had its release in India in 2019, carried a price tag of Rs 1,64,999.