Samsung has finally announced the prices of its latest foldables in India, including the Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4. Both the devices were recently launched by the company for the global market. While the devices were available for pre-orders in India, their prices weren’t revealed. But now, Samsung has revealed all the memory variants of the device and their prices for Indian consumers. The pre-booking is available in India till August 17 mid-night. Take a look at the prices ahead.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 Official Price in India

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 has been revealed in India and will be available in three different memory variants. The three variants are: a) 12GB+256GB = Rs 1,54,999 b) 12GB+512GB = Rs 1,64,999 c) 12GB+1TB = Rs 1,84,999 The Galaxy Z Fold4 will be available in three colours - Graygreen, Phantom Black, and Beige.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 Pre-Booking Offers in India Explained

Users can get an exchange discount of up to Rs 41,390 if they are ordering the smartphone from Samsung’s website. Also, the 1TB memory variant is exclusively available on the official website of Samsung India. There are some pre-reservation benefits that consumers will get if they book it through Samsung. First of all, Samsung is offering the ‘Wireless Charge Duo’ worth Rs 5,199 for absolutely free with this device. Then, users can purchase the Galaxy Watch4 Classic worth Rs 34,999 for Rs 2,999 only. There’s an instant cashback or discount of Rs 8,000 with the HDFC Bank card. Samsung is also offering the 20K Advantage, wherein customers will be eligible to receive a Rs 2,000 more discount on the Samsung Shop app. Samsung Care which is normally available for Rs 11,999, will be given at Rs 6,000 to the people pre-booking the device. Thus, pre-booking the device makes sense if you are really serious about purchasing this smartphone. Note that the same pre-booking offers are also available for the Galaxy Z Flip4.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 Official Price in India

Samsung has launched the Galaxy Z Flip 4 in two memory variants in India; these two variants are: a) 8GB+128GB = Rs 89,999 b) 8GB +256GB = Rs 94,999 It will be available in three colours - Bora Purple, Graphite, and Pink Gold. As mentioned, the same pre-booking offers that are available for Galaxy Z Fold4 are available for Galaxy Z Flip4 as well. But the HDFC Bank discount for this device is Rs 7,000.

Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 Now Available in India  Check Prices - 30Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 Now Available in India  Check Prices - 34Samsung Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 Now Available in India  Check Prices - 88