Samsung has urged its 20,000 offline retailers to sell Galaxy Smartphones using Benow app and encourage physical distancing amid the lockdown period. Since rival companies like Xiaomi and Vivo have already launched similar incentives for their offline retailers, Samsung must start digital sales and include all offline retailers in the digital world so they can increase their sales and customer base. Since the retailers are already facing financial distress due to the lockdown period, online sales will help them revive their position in the market and fulfil consumer demand.

Partnership with Benow is part of Offline to Online Strategy: Samsung

Mohandeep Singh, who is the Senior Vice President, Mobile, Business, Samsung India noted that partnership with Benow is a part of Offline to Online (O2O) strategy which would help both retailers and consumers. Once the retailers are registered in the new platform, they will be able to fulfil the demand of Galaxy Smartphones as consumers will be able to purchase phones from the store without stepping out of the house. Also, the partnership between Samsung and Benow will encourage Social distancing, which is the prime need of the nation.

How to Purchase Smartphones from Benow?

Retailers who have designed catalogue in Benow will share the link to users by using SMS, WhatsApp or Email. Once customers receive the link, they will have to place the order by clicking on the link. Dealers will further contact the customers and finalize the deal. Customers will also get various options to make payment. Also, both customer and retailer will get digital recharge slips.

Xiaomi and Vivo are also Using Online Methods to Boost Sales

The largest smartphone manufacturer of India, Xiaomi has launched a new E-commerce service, Mi-Commerce, which will help the customers to browse products of Xiaomi from their nearby retail stores. Similar to Xiaomi, Vivo has also launched Vivo Smart Retail (VSR) which will aid 20,000 offline retailers to increase their sales and get back in the market. Moreover, Vivo will be able to fulfil customer demand which has been increased due to the lockdown period.

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