Tata Play (earlier known as Tata Sky), a major Direct-to-Home (DTH) platform, has recently added a new channel called Sidharth TV to its platform. Sidharth TV is an Odia language General Entertainment Channel (GEC) that was launched on May 15, 2021, along with two more channels, including Sidharth Gold and Sidharth Bhakti. All of these channels are owned by a parent company called Sidharth TV Network.
Sidharth TV Channel Number on Tata Play
If you are searching for the Sidharth TV channel number on Tata Play, it is 1757. It is not a free-to-air (FTA) channel. If you want a subscription to this Odia GEC, you will have to shell out Rs 11.90. This is a channel that will appease the regional content viewers of Tata Play. It hasn’t even been a complete year since Sidharth TV launched was launched in India. Sidharth TV Network is working well on its distribution of the channels as this partnership with Tata Play is certainly a great deal for the TV network. The channel is already live on LCN 1757. You can subscribe to this channel via multiple methods, including SMS, customer care, or the website/app of Tata Play. Much recently, Tata Play had also added two new channels to its platforms, including ND24 and NHK World Japan. Both these channels are free. ND24 is a news channel that will deliver content in a regional language, while NHK World Japan is an entertainment channel that will showcase multiple TV shows for the users. If you don’t own a Tata Play connection, this is a good time to get one. The company has reduced the price of its Set-Top Boxes (STBs). Tata Play had reduced the price of its HD and SD Set-Top Boxes (STBs) by Rs 200 recently. The SD STB is now available at Rs 1,499, and the HD STB is available at Rs 1,699. You can check out the website of the DTH operator for more information.