According to rumours, Tecno will soon introduce a new smartphone in India. Cell phones from the company’s Spark and Camon series have been introduced. Later this year, it will introduce the Tecno Pova Neo 2 in India as its latest entry-level smartphone. Paras Guglani, a tipster, provided the information. He said the device would be a 4G product and launch in international markets, including India. The precise launch date was not provided by the tipster. Guglani, however, has provided a summary of the important details regarding the impending Tecno smartphone. Let’s examine the Tecno Pova Neo 2’s features, specifications, and other information.

Tecno Pova Neo 2 Specifications

The Tecno Pova Neo 2 is anticipated to go on sale in India and other countries very soon. Online specs for the 4G smartphone have been leaked. Guglani claims that the new Tecno smartphone will be available in Cyber Blue and Uranolith Gray. The gadget might put its emphasis on providing a good multimedia experience and a lengthy battery life. The Pova Neo 2 will have a sizable 7000 mAh battery inside, according to leaked specifications. Additionally, the phone will have a big 6.82-inch screen with Full HD+ quality. It is unknown if the phone will have an IPS LCD or an AMOLED display. Details about the phone’s refresh rate are also unknown. The Pova Neo 2 will have a MediaTek Helio G85 SoC inside. The entry-level model will have 64GB of internal storage and 4GB of RAM. Additionally, the phone will include 128GB of internal storage and 6GB of RAM. The phone will include a dual-camera arrangement on the back. It will have a 2MP secondary sensor in addition to a 16MP primary camera. The Pova Neo 2 will have an 8MP front camera for taking pictures and making video calls. We may anticipate the device’s price in India to be under Rs 15,000 based on the specs provided.

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