It goes without saying that ads are annoying, especially if these surface on a messaging app. Now, the messaging app Telegram appears to be eyeing for ways to let users disable ads on the platform. Pavel Durov, the Telegram CEO has announced on his channel that the company is prepping a subscription model, which lets users disable ads on the messaging app. However, he did not reveal the pricing of the service though he mentioned that it will be an inexpensive subscription.
Telegram Subscription Service
Announcing the new feature, the CEO stated that they have started working on a new feature as they are looking forward to launching it sometime in November. It will arrive in the form of an inexpensive subscription, which will let users directly support the development of Telegram financially and never see official advertisements in the channels. This new Telegram subscription service will let users turn off ads in their Telegram channels for all users. The CEO also disclosed that the company is estimating the economic conditions for this feature. Very soon, advertisers will be able to place an invisible ad on any Telegram channel that lets us assume that there is sufficient cost per impression will not result in any ads on the channel. Furthermore, he added that they will continue working on new features that will let Telegram break even. The content authors and users will remain their priority, he added. As per the Telegram CEO, these plans are still under development and none of the same has been finalised yet. Also, it is important to note that the sponsored messages or ads are displayed in large Telegram channels that have over 1000 subscribers. Moreover, these messages are restricted to 160 characters. It should be based on the main topic of the public channels in which they are displayed. However, the ads do not mean that Telegram does not have any access to your chats. It has been stated that no user data is analysed and mined to display these ads or sponsored messages. Also, each user viewing a specific channel on Telegram will see the same sponsored messages. In separate news, the messaging app has introduced a couple of features such as hyper-speed scrolling, date bar, calendar view, chat themes, admin approval setting for invite links and more.