Yesterday WhatsApp filed a legal case against the Indian government, saying that the new policies are going to be a big threat to users’ privacy in India. The new guidelines will force the online messaging app to break the end-to-end encryption, and that is not possible. Now in the latest development, the microblogging platform Twitter has requested the IT Ministry for an extension of at least three months in order to implement new guidelines. According to the reports, the company’s latest statement comes just after Facebook and Google said that they are planning to comply with the new rules.

Twitter Seek an Extension of 3 Months

Twitter also expressed its concern about the raid conducted by the Delhi police at its Gurugram office. Indian government wrote to the company against the ‘manipulated media’ tag. According to the Twitter statement quoted by IANS, the company stated that it is deeply committed to the Indian users and to keep the services available in the country; Twitter will strive to comply with applicable law in India. Further, the company stated, “we will continue to be strictly guided by principles of transparency, a commitment to empowering every voice on the service, and protecting freedom of expression and privacy under the rule of law.” The company suggests that it’s concerned about the recent events happening with the Twitter India employees, which seems to be a potential threat to freedom of expression for the Indian users. Twitter is planning to advocate the changes to implement the new regulations. “We will continue our constructive dialogue with the Indian Government and believe it is critical to adopt a collaborative approach. It is the collective responsibility of elected officials, industry, and civil society to safeguard the interests of the public,” reads the official statement. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has already explained all its plans to comply with the new IT regulations last night. Just in case you don’t know, the rule became effective on May 26, which was the last day for social media handles to be implemented. Numerous reports are claiming the ban of these platforms for not implementing the new regulation. However, do note that the ban news was just fake news to create panic among the rumours. The government is seeking an update on the statutes from all the social media firms.

Twitter Agrees to Implement New IT Rule but Need 3 Months Extension - 94