Twitter is one of the most powerful social media platforms among the others, and the rest of the world, including us, believe that it’s a platform to raise your voice or address any issue. Many users raised an issue regarding the display image full coverage of Twitter, and taking this seriously; the company has finally made some important changes. Twitter has started rolling out a new feature that will show you full display images without cropping them. The new feature was earlier in the beta testing, and now the stable version has been made available for all Twitter users. Twitter, from its official account, shared a tweet claiming that the social media platform will now show the actual size of the display images. The tweet also demonstrated the cropped images before the update and the new UI after the rollout of the new feature. Earlier image posts didn’t support a 16:9 aspect ratio. This is done to make it convenient for the uses to see what’s there in the tweet without even opening it. “no bird too tall, no crop too short. Introducing bigger and better images on iOS and Android, now available to everyone,” reads the Twitter post. Just in case you don’t know, this feature was in the testing phase since March, and the company was developing this along with another feature that will allow users to upload 4K images without deteriorating the quality of the image. The 4K image upload feature was recently introduced by the company, and now finally, the full view image feature has also arrived.
How to Enable Upload 4K Un-cropped picture on Twitter
First, you need to open the Twitter app on your Android or iOS device. Head to the Setting and select Privacy. Tap on Data Usage. Now you need to choose High-Quality Upload under the image section. You can select from Wi-Fi only or for mobile data and Wi-Fi (depends on your internet speed). Turn on the settings for High-Quality Upload, and you are all set to go.
Do share your thoughts about the newly added feature to the popular social media platform in the comment section below.