As expected, Vodafone Idea has followed Airtel in increasing tariffs of prepaid plans. The new tariffs are very similar to that of Airtel and will come into effect from November 25, 2021. Vi has also moved its base plan from Rs 79 to Rs 99 for the users, and the benefits are the same as Airtel’s plans. This move from the telco is in line with its comments on focusing on increasing the average revenue per user (ARPU) in the short term. Vi will also offer its SMS plan starting at Rs 179 after the tariff hikes kick in. This means users can’t port out of the telco’s network if they are using a plan that costs less than Rs 179.
Vodafone Idea New Prepaid Tariffs After Price Increase
As mentioned above, Vodafone Idea has almost copied what Airtel has done with its prepaid plans. With Vodafone Idea as well, users will have to spend Rs 719 for the 1.5GB daily data plan for 84 days. Select 4G data vouchers will also see the effects of price hikes. This is good news for Vodafone Idea investors as the telco will now finally be able to earn more out of each of its customers. However, higher ARPU won’t make a difference if the telco keeps on losing customers for the coming quarters. Vodafone Idea needs to not only reduce the numbers of users leaving its network but also needs to start adding new ones. The telco already has benefitted from the relief measures that the government had announced a few months back. Now, it is finally in a position where it can invest in its networks to increase coverage and justify the price hike. Vi’s ARPU might be able to reach Rs 120 - Rs 130 mark soon with the help of this hike in prepaid tariffs. You check the tariff hikes that Airtel will be introducing by clicking here.