WhatsApp has been rolling out new features, one after another, to keep its users happy and retain them for the long run. There’s no bigger texting app than WhatsApp globally. This Meta owned social media platform is going to bring five very exciting features to its stable app for Android and iOS very soon. Even the desktop/web app is going to be updated and get the support of new security features. Here are the five features that we are talking about.

WhatsApp Upcoming Five Features That Have Got Us Excited

Feature number one — very soon, WhatsApp group admins will be able to delete the messages of other users for all users. Right now, be it admin or a normal user inside the app, he/she can only delete his/her own message for all users. But now, WhatsApp admins will be able to delete any message by any user for all users. This will bring better moderation of the content that goes inside a group. Feature number two — the web/desktop app of WhatsApp is getting support for 2-step verification. It will make your WhatsApp using experience more secure and offer you the peace of mind that no one will be able to log in on your WhatsApp account through a computer. Feature number three — WhatsApp users will soon be able to send reactions to particular messages like they do on Messenger and Instagram. This is a much-needed feature to make the communication more understandable between two or more people. Feature number four — WhatsApp is trying to bring more animated emojis for users. This is what Telegram already offers to its users. Thus, WhatsApp will not like to be left behind here. The company is already working on the feature. Feature number five — On a very interesting note, WhatsApp is working on something called Communities. This is a group chat feature. If you are confused, understand that this is a group chat feature within a group chat.

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